Confirmation Program for 2023-2024

Confirmation Studies. Our parish Confirmation program requires two years of religious education studies, in accord with diocesan standards. These academic requirements can be fulfilled either by the seventh and eighth grade DRE online home study program, or by the daily religion classes at the Catholic Academy. Older students complete the seventh grade DRE program, regardless of their age, and then take the eighth grade DRE program as well.

Baptismal Certificates. Copies of these certificates must be on file with the parish office in preparation for this sacrament. If a student was not baptized in the Catholic Church, there is a separate private ceremony that is required for their acceptance into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. If you have not already done so at the time of registration, please click here for information about providing your Baptismal certificate.

Confirmation Year. In addition to the two-year Confirmation studies, there are special preparations for the Confirmation year. In their second year of Confirmation studies, there are two parent-student meetings, a Confirmation retreat, and other requirements that are listed below. Confirmation students are urged to go to Confession both during Advent and Lent as well, in preparation for their Confirmation. Please take note of these important meeting dates.

2023-2024 Confirmation Program Dates.
Here are some important dates for students participating in the second year of our parish Confirmation program.

  • Parent-Student Meeting: Sunday, October 1, at 6:00 p.m. in church: complete documentation is provided for the students
  • Student Confirmation Retreat: Saturday, January 27, starting at 12:00 noon in Fracaro Hall, concluding with the 4:30 p.m. Mass
  • Parent-Student Meeting: Sunday, March 3, at 6:00 p.m. in church: the final Confirmation Faith Statements are due
  • Confirmation Mass: Saturday, April 13, at 12:00 noon in church (rehearsal on Friday, April 12, at 6:00 p.m.)

If there are any scheduling conflicts with these important meeting dates, please contact the parish office right away. Thank you for your cooperation.


Further Information. Here are some important documents and other spiritual resources for our students who are completing their Sacraments of Christian Initiation. These documents and resources are explained at the parent-student meetings. Parents and sponsors can also benefit from this program.

  • The first draft of the following document is due before Christmas: Confirmation Faith Statement. Students will receive comments on this first draft at the Confirmation Retreat on January 27. The final draft is due on March 3 at the parent-student meeting. The following document will assist students in writing their first draft: Catechism of the Heart. Further assistance may be found at
  • IMbeggar Videos are recommended in preparation for confirming your faith as Catholic Christians. Please click here for a video on the reality of God. Then click here for a video about the strength we experience through God. For more of these thought-provoking videos, go to Please check out as well. For faith questions, go to and

Congratulations to all of our students who are completing the Sacraments of Christian Initiation with the celebration of their Confirmation at Saint Dennis Church! God bless you always! Please click here for information about our two youth ministry programs, for junior high and for high school students.

Saint Dennis Church is looking upward in faith, moving forward in hope, and leading onward in love to new life in Christ. As a faith community of prayer, learning, and service, we invite you to join us as intentional disciples of Christ. For more information, please check out the many spiritual resources provided at the website. Together, let us embrace faithful Catholic Christian lifestyles for the new apostolic age of church history.

“‘Whoever is in Christ is a new creation; the old has passed away.’ Now by the ‘new creation’ Paul means the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a heart that is pure and blameless, free of all malice, wickedness or shamefulness. For when a soul has come to hate sin and has delivered itself as far as it can to the power of virtue, it undergoes a transformation by receiving the grace of the Spirit. Then it is healed, restored and made wholly new.” — Taken from a book on Christian formation by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, as found in the Office of Readings for Saturday in the twenty-sixth of ordinary time.

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