Liturgical Ministries

We welcome new liturgical ministers! Training is provided for all our volunteers. Please contact the parish office for more information about serving in these volunteer roles during liturgies at our parish. For information about our parish music ministries, please click here.

Ministry Captains: sign in the liturgical ministers, and recruit substitutes when necessary

Sacristans: set up the altar before Mass, ring the bells during Mass, and put things away after Mass

Readers: proclaim the first and second readings, and read the petitions

Musicians: lead the congregation in the liturgical music of the Mass

Communion Servers: assist with the distribution of Holy Communion

Altar Servers: assist the priest at the altar during the liturgy

Greeters: welcome people before Mass, hand out bulletins after Mass

Ushers: assist people during Mass, take up the collection at the offertory

Media Servers: run the projector with the announcements, responses, and hymns

Hospitality: serve coffee and donuts in the narthex on the designated Sundays

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen!

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