Christian Service Activities


Parish Organizations

Council of Catholic Women

Knights of Columbus

Marriage Encounter

Seniors Social Group

Young Adult Group

Family Ministry

Youth Ministry


Evangelization is at the heart of everything we are and everything we do as a parish faith community. We share our faith in both word and deed, for a living faith is always active in love. Evangelization is also at the heart of our parish mission. It starts with catechesis, it continues with evangelization, and it leads to faith in action. The ultimate goal of all our parish endeavors is to know Jesus personally, to share His Gospel effectively, and to live His Gospel fully. That is what praying, learning, and serving is all about in the new apostolic age of the church. Please click here for more information about evangelization.

For information about these parish organizations, please call 815-838-2592, or send an email to [email protected].
To know Christ . . . is to love Christ . . . is to serve Christ!   Let us know, love, and serve God as faithful Catholic Christians!

Saint Dennis Church . . .
Looking Upward in Faith, Moving Forward in Hope, Leading Onward in Love
. . . to New Life in Christ!
We are a Faith Community of Prayer, Learning, and Service.
Please come and join us as Intentional Disciples of Christ!
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