Funeral Readings

First Reading: by a trained lector
Old Testament Readings for during Ordinary Time
New Testament Readings for during Easter Time

Second Reading: by a trained lector
New Testament Readings for throughout the whole year

Gospel Reading: by the priest
Gospel Readings for throughout the whole year

The links to the Scripture readings on this webpage are for selecting the readings and for practicing the readings. However, the actual readings during the funeral are proclaimed from the official lectionary book on the pulpit. No papers or other books may be used at the pulpit, only the official lectionary book.

Lectors must be Catholic, and must be trained as lectors in their home parish. Otherwise, some training may be available before the day of the funeral liturgy. Otherwise, the priest or one of the funeral sacristans may proclaim the first and second Scripture readings at a Funeral Mass in our church.

For more about bereavement and funerals, please click here for information from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. God bless you during this difficult time! Please know that our priest is available to pray with you, and to assist you in preparing for the funeral liturgy.

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