Evangelization in the New Apostolic Age

News about our parish evangelization program events and activities will be published on the opening page of this website and through social media.
To contact our parish evangelization director, Lisa Smith, please click here, or contact the parish office for more information about this program.

Our new Evangelization Program will focus on catechesis, sharing the Good News, and faith into action, our Evangelization Director will bridge our parish generations through a variety of opportunities that will help us grow as a parish community of faith, hope, and love.

Please scroll down on this page to read a pastoral commentary on the new evangelization for our parish community. Also, please check out the following Catholic websites that promote a culture of evangelization:

The new Apostolic Age of the church is also called the New Evangelization. It is a return to the original evangelization which preceded and now follows an age of Christendom or Cultural Catholicism. The first evangelization introduced the world to Jesus Christ. The new evangelization invites the world to come back to Jesus Christ. Like the prophets of Israel before and after the Exile, the church stands at the threshold of a post-modern, post-secular, and post-atheistic world that needs Jesus Christ even more than the ancient world did. This is what the new evangelization is all about, especially at the local parish level.

The New Evangelization will take on many forms in our parish community. Not only as the underlying current of all our parish programs and activities, the New Evangelization brings our parish community together on a mission to bring the world to Christ by embracing Christ ourselves first. Just as our parish organizations and parish charities promote fellowship as they engage in charitable endeavors, our parish evangelization efforts are the basic mission of our parish. Just as the church exists to evangelize, our parish exists to evangelize as well! We were made for a time like this! God is calling us!

The ChristLife Course is basic training for the new evangelization. When we discover and follow Christ, we cannot help but share Christ with others. Friendship Evangelization is aptly described by the Cursillo movement in three phases: make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Jesus. In terms of the FOCUS movement, we engage in three strategies for evangelization: win, build and send forth intentional disciples of Christ. In regard to Chicago’s Renew My Church program, we make disciples, build community, and inspire witness. Our parish initiatives will soon be posted on this website. Stay tuned!

Go out to the whole world, and proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ!

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